28 de maig 2013

Festa de cumple!

El passat 23 l'Àlex va fer 1 any, com passa el temps... I ho vam celebrar el diumenge. Ma germana va trobar moltes idees a pinterest però al final va decidir fer una cosa petita, una festa familiar amb els avis, besàvies i tiets, inspirada en l'arc de Sant Martí.
Last 23 Alex birth 1 year, time goes very fast... We celebrated at sunday. My sister found a lot of ideas in pinterest but finally she decided to make a little familiar party, with grandparents, greatgrandmas, uncle and aunt. It was a rainbows inspired party.
S'ho va currar moltíssim i va preparar un munt de coses bones.
She worked a lot and she prerared a lot of delicious things.
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Hi havia una mica de tot, dolç i salat. De salat, a part de les patates i les galetetes, va preparar un empanada de tonyina que estava boníssima, jo me'n vaig endur per sopar. Peró la currada està en les coses dolces.
There were a bit of everything, sweet and salty. As salty there were chips and crackers and she prepared a tuna pie, it was really good, I took it for dinner. But she worked a lot preparing the sweetys.
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Comencem pel pastís de Coca-cola, que gust a Coca-cola no té, amb lacasitos per sobre. També hi havia cake pops, aquests els vaig preparar jo, però ho vaig tenir fàcil la Bàrbara ja em tenia el pastís preparat :) Va ser la segona vegada que en feia i van quedar molt millor que la primera. I no ens oblidem dels bombons, uns farcits de mantega de cacahuet i els altres de núvols, això va ser contribució del tío molón.
I'm going to start for the Coca-cola cake with m&ms on the top. Also there were cake pops, I made them, it was easy because Bàrbara baked the cake :) It was the second time that I prepared cake pops and these ones are much better than the firsts ones. And don't forget the chocolates, ones filled with peanut butter and the others with marshmelows, this was the "tío molón" (cooler uncle) contribution.
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Però el que més va agradar va ser el pastís d'aniversari, un RAINBOW CAKE, si amb lletres majúscules perquè estava boníssim i era espectacular.
But the most liked was the birthday cake, a RAINBOW CAKE, it was amazing.
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Lo millor va ser tallar-lo i poder veure'l per dins.
The best was to cut it and could see the inside.
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I tots vam tenir el nostre petit tros d'arc de Sant Martí.
Every one could have their own piece of the rainbow.
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A la peque li va encantar i també va provar la llimonada rosa, es va tornar boja.
Alex love the cake and also she tried pink lemonade and she became crazy :)
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3 comentaris:

  1. Yo tambien quiero una fiesta de cumpleaños con esos pasteles!!

  2. Queee boooo. El meu aniversari es al octubre, us contrato!

  3. Per mooolts anys.
    Quin pastís més bonic
