1 de febr. 2012

Marxem 2 dies

Demà  i divendres la botiga estarà tancada. Anem a Madrid.
Tomorrow and friday the shop will be closed. We are going to Madrid.
Dijous comença el Saló Internacional de la Moda de Madrid, SMMI, i cap allà que anem. És la 67a edició i podrem veure les propostes per la propera temporada tardor-hivern 2012-13. Pel que he llegit hi participen unes 800 firmes. Esperem veure moltes coses!
Thursday starts the Madrid's International Fashion Salon, and we are going. That's the 67th edition and we can see the porpose for the next season fall-winter 2012-13. I've read that there are about 800 brands. We hope to see a lot of things. 
També tenim una petita llista de botigues que volem conèixer, en voldriem tenir més però no hi ha temps.
Also we have a little shop list that we want to visit, we'd like to have more time to visit more nice shops.

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