13 de febr. 2014

Un ull a la porta

Divendres de la setmana passada mentre tancava la botiga vaig conèixer el Fran, em va comentar que estava buscant locals per pintar les portes i que si jo li deixaria. Ell ja tenia la idea del que volia i jo li vaig dir que mentre fós més maco fes el que volgues. Per la tarda em va passar la proposta i aquest dilluns va venir i va deixar la porta així de bonica :)
Last friday while I was closing the shop I met Fran, he told me that he was looking for shops that were interested in having the out door painted and if I wanted it. He had the idea and I just said that if it was more beatiful did what he wanted. At the afternoon he sent me a proposal and this monday he came and get the door very cool :)
 No tinc foto de l'abans, però era una pintada feita feita. Una firma en color lila i platejat i també algues dedicatories com la de la Kate de Kansas... M'agrada moltíssim aquest ull i el fons en tons verds, blaus i turqueses no pot quedar millor. Una altra vegada, moles gràcies Fran! Si voleu veure més dels seus treballs podeu entrar a al seva web.
I don't have any before photo, but it was an ugly ugly paint. A signature in purple and silvery color and some dedications as Kate from Kansas... I love this eye and the blue, green and turquoise background it couldn't be better. Another time thanks a lot Fran! If you want to see more of his work you can visit his web.

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